Girls’ Troop 339G

Ages 11 – 17

Troop 339G—headquartered at our own Scout cabin in Leedom Estates—offers year-round opportunities for girls to explore the outdoors on our monthly outings, to serve our communities, and develop life-long friendships.


Weekly meetings, monthly trips

Our troop for girls meets every Tuesday evening from 7-8:30 pm. We camp regularly throughout the year, and spend a week at a Scouting America Camp each summer.


Leading the way

Our troop was the first Scouts BSA troop for girls in Delaware County, PA, and we hit the ground running. In fact, at our first District Camporee we came in 2nd place against all the boys troops except one (our own boys’ troop, who edged us out by just one point!) Our troop has been featured internationally in the media by FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, Yahoo! News, and People Magazine.


Eagle is now within our reach

Our program is the same that has been traditionally offered to Boy Scouts for over 112 years—including the opportunity for every girl to earn merit badges and the coveted Eagle Scout rank. One of our scouts recently became the first female scout in Delaware County, and the second in our council.


Never a bad time to be a scout

Whether you started as a Cub Scout, or are just trying scouting for the first time, we welcome any and all girls to join our troop.


Get in, and get out!

We’re a very welcoming and active group. Our scouts camp in all conditions, at campgrounds throughout the mid-Atlantic. We ski, fish, study wildlife, cycle, swim, build robots and blaze trails. Our troop is also girl-led. we plan our own excursions and run our own program—because it’s the best way for us to learn how to be tomorrow’s leaders.

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Scouts BSA Troop 339G

Open to all girls age 11-17


Cubs (co-ed, 5-10)


Boy Troops (11-17)